Monday, November 5, 2012

Thats a Wrap!! Editing has been completed, the deadline was made, and submission will be happening this week!

The time frame on this film had to be less than 20 minutes, so with that being said, not everyone was used in the film itself, however, you ALL played a huge part in making this happen. I wish we could have used everyone's whole interview, but after interviewing over 15 people, at about an hour each interview, that obviously puts us way over the 20 minute mark.

This has taken a lot of work from a lot of people, I wanted to just say thanks to a few of them here, without them, this film would not have happened.

Thanks to:

Jordan Griffiths

Summer Estes

Danielle May

Robert and Valaine Brown

Everyone who interviewed

Everyone who has spread the word about this film to their friends/family

Stephanie Rhodes

Thanks again to all of you!

I have created our movie poster as well for the film! Here it is, please spread the word, and look forward to the release in January 2013!